Does it reveal the truth or bury it in the grave of a lie
Does it join with love or give way to hate
Does it complete our lives or destroy our fate
“I” can give rise to pride which leads us to downfall
And closes our ears to success’s fading call
“I” when used wrongly, ego takes lead
It arrests our thinking ability and inculcates greed
On the other hand if we think, what is “I”
It can be the shoulder upon which others can trust to cry
It can be the one with whom joys and sorrows others can feel free to share
It can be the one to assure when no one stays with you “I am there”
I can portray responsibility or on others it can put the blame
It depends on it’s use whether it will destroy you or it will bring you fame
I when joins with other words determines we will be witty or sly
Only we can control it if we think what is “I”
-By Mridunja Raman
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