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A sceond Chance

Seeing the employment crisis and people not able to go home I shed blood laden tears
Looking at the suffering of people and their hearts filled with fears.
Today we stand divided with our minds clouded with sorrow
But is there nothing to enlighten humanity's tomorrow.

There is a moon even in the darkest night
Guiding the lost with it's delicate ray of light
Though there are sufferings and pain in this dark holiday
To enlighten the future can't the rise of nature be seen as a light ray.

In this lockdown forests and wildlife have come to life and in the pure atmosphere flowers bloom
Far away sights can be seen which were once blocked by the smog of gloom
Rivers are restored with pure water, air is clean
The revival of nature can be prominently seen.

Lockdown has given us an opportunity to right our wrong
It has taught me to see in a new way and in the tough times how can we stay strong
Even when separated, together this crisis we can bear
By giving emotional and mental support to each other and show mother Earth that we care.

Wars for resources and death are destined for the exploitation path on which we advance
Lockdown has reset the earth and to restore what we have exploited, it has given us a second chance
To bond with nature with our mind and heart
And prevent the gruesome future by starting a life with nature as a part
This shows how forgiveness has always been Mother Earth's trait
Who has given us a second chance to reflect and rewrite our fate.

-By Mridunja Raman

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