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Does Language Divide People?

Language is the God’s gift given only to Homo sapiens. It is an offshoot of our highly developed and analytical brains. From pre-historic era human beings have tried to express themselves, their surroundings and their lifestyle by means of rock inscriptions, cave paintings and pictograms which have ultimately culminated in beautiful and rich languages.

Imagine a world where no one spoke to each other; there would be no exchange of thoughts and expressions; ideas would remain suppressed within us; pioneers would haven’t been able to explain their wonderful inventions and theories nor great poets and philosophers would have been able to expand our knowledge and understanding. The world would have been as boring and dull as a silent movie. It’s for these wonderful languages that our world is so noisy, colourful, vibrant and so full of ideas.

If we go back into the history and trace the genesis and evolution of languages it will be seen that, physical and geographical barriers have played a large role in creation of so many languages spoken by diverse ethnic groups. There is plethora of languages spoken by natives of north and South America, Africa, India and Australia.

While more languages are reflective of richness of cultural heritage, diversity, unique words or phonics and a wealth of information associated with particular language, it also breeds contempt for other language, create division between people, communities and acts as a stumbling for national integration. Let us not forget that the Dravidian movement of 1950’s were started as a rejection of imposition of Hindi language in the states of south India. Many states like Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and north eastern states have been carved out on basis of language and ethnicity.

On the other hand extinction of certain languages will lead to a loss of rich linguistic phrases, phonics and culture. Like the Eskimos have more than 60 words to describe snow and ice. It is worth remembering that historians were able to decipher the hieroglyphics of Egyptian pyramids and sphinx only after the discovery of Rosetta stone which carried the inscription of a royal decree in hieroglyphics, Hebrew and Greek language as well. Just imagine the day when we catch hold of a tablet which can unravel the mysteries of the inscriptions of the Indus civilization.

So, is language really a villain as it is being made out to be or is it our selfish ulterior mentality which is always on the lookout for excuses to divide people on the basis of race, colour, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and unfortunately language.

So let’s widen our minds. Language is an amazing form to display your rich culture. Instead of using it as a tool to divide let’s use it is as an asset to appreciate.

- By Jerry Crane

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